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Easy Steps to Replace a Fishing Rod Tip Top

fishing rod

Easy Steps to Replace a Fishing Rod Tip Top

If you’re like most anglers, you probably use your fishing rod to catch fish. But what if your fishing rod tip top falls off? Replacing a fishing rod tip top is a relatively easy task that can be done in just a few minutes. 

Remove the Old Rod Tip Top

Before anything else, make sure you remove the old rod tip top. You can do this by unscrewing it from the rod, or if it’s only the insert ring that’s defective, you can simply remove that. Once the defective tip is removed, you can then screw on a new one in its place.

There are two ways you can remove the tip ring from your fly fishing rod. The first is to heat the area around the tip ring with a lighter. You’ll know it’s time to pull it off when the glue starts to bubble. Use a pair of pliers or heavy gloves for this.

The second, and recommended way, is holding the rod and pulling at the same time. By doing this, you strengthen the structural integrity of the rod. 

The other option is to cut off the old end with a fine-bladed saw, which is not as preferred but is helpful when the rod’s shaft is damaged or broken. It is best to cut it off as close to the mounting tube as possible.

Identify the Tip Top

The tip top is the small metal ring that is screwed into the end of the fly fishing rod. It is what the tip ring is screwed into and is usually made of either aluminum or stainless steel.

You can use a file to remove the old tip ring for aluminium tip tops. Make sure to file evenly around the entire circumference of the tip top to avoid damaging the aluminum. For stainless steel tip tops, you can use a hacksaw.

Once the tip ring is removed, you can then screw on a new one. If you’re using a stainless steel tip top, you can screw it on with a wrench. On the other hand, if you’re using an aluminum tip top, you can screw it on with a pair of pliers.

Once the new tip ring is in place, you can screw on the new tip. Make sure the new tip is screwed on snugly, but be careful not to over-tighten it.

Replace the Tip

Once the new tip ring is in place, you can screw on the new tip. Make sure the new tip is screwed on snugly, but be careful not to over-tighten it. If you’re using a standard cartridge razor, you can simply unscrew the old blade and screw on a new one. Be careful not to over-tighten the new blade, or it may become loose during use.

The Bottomline

In conclusion, replacing a fishing rod tip top is not a difficult process, but it is important to take your time and follow the correct steps to ensure a proper fit and avoid any damage to the fishing rod. Following the steps listed above, you can replace a fishing rod tip top in just a few minutes and be back on the water in no time.

Fishing in Pensacola, Florida? Showintail Inshore Charters offers a fun, family-friendly inshore fishing trip. Get in touch with us to schedule a fishing trip!

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