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6 Helpful Night Fishing Tips and Tricks You Need to Know

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6 Helpful Night Fishing Tips and Tricks You Need to Know

Night fishing can be quite advantageous when done correctly. It’s the perfect alternative to a blisteringly hot summer day. If done right, you can catch a wide variety of fish, rousing them from their sleep and catching them off their guard. However, night fishing is not for the faint of heart; it requires patience and persistence. Luckily, with the five tips and tricks in this article, you are bound to catch a couple of fish on your next trip.

Fish During a Full Moon

When a full moon shines brightly over the water at night, predators can see better, which is excellent for fishing. During full moons, the tides shift, bringing more nutrients from deep waters to the shore. Baitfish are attracted to these nutrients, and since predators are attracted to these baitfish you will likely be able to bring in a larger catch. 

Keep Your Lures Jiggling

Fish use their sonar senses at night to find food, so the best way to attract them is by moving the bait consistently. If you use fishing lures that make lots of vibrations, such as spinnerbaits, you can attract fish for a bite. However, your lure is only as good as its effectiveness at the moment; if you don’t jiggle it while you wait for a bite, then you’ll end up empty-handed.

Get Ready Early

If you want to have a successful fishing trip, it’s crucial that you are sufficiently prepared. For the best results, be sure to prep early. Before you go fishing, it is helpful to rig your rods and organize your tackle. It can be tricky to set up in the dark, so it is best to complete the process in daylight.

Take Advantage of Lights

As a general rule, use light sparingly, as using more light attracts more bugs. However, a lantern or powerful spotlight can work to your advantage when used correctly. Always find a balance between using light and leaving the water dark. Every so often, it’s a good idea to shine the lantern or other powerful light on the top of the water to attract phototrophs, which will attract minnows. Once you have some minnows dining on the photographs, bigger fish will follow in an attempt to get in on the midnight snack. If you don’t have a lantern or spotlight of your own, you can always go night fishing on a full moon.

Follow Basic Safety Guidelines

One of the safety precautions of night boating is to let someone know your itinerary or “float plan.” Your float plan should contain information about what you will be doing, and where you are headed, and should estimate how long you expect to be out there. In case of an emergency, the designated person can sound the alarm and send for help. Other than a float plan, keep safety in mind when going out on a boat at night by following navigation rules and having a first aid kit with an emergency blanket in case of an overboard situation.


We hope this article proves to be useful when it comes to helping you make the most out of your night fishing trip. While this may seem tedious, these tips will help you enjoy your fishing trip. Be sure to keep everything you’ve learned here in mind so that you can make the most informed decisions for your next night fishing trip.

Are you looking for Navarre fishing charters? We here at Showintail Inshore Charters offer many different fishing charters in Navarre Beach. For more information on what we can do for you, visit our website today!

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